Choose Malaysia

Malaysia, amongst the largest recipients of Chinese outbound investment yet with a compatible political framework to the West.

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Published by Malay Mail, Malaysiakini, Sin Chew & i3 Investor, image from Malay Mail.

As the US and China squares up to face each other down, countries are scrambling to pick one side or another.

America’s military might and China’s economic influence and pulling non-aligned countries in different directions.

Of course the G7 is with America, even if they don’t like the Trump administration’s “bull in a China shop (excuse the pun)” approach.

But for the rest of us it’s not so clear cut. This is especially true for Asean, caught in the crossfire of China’s territorial ambitions in the South China Sea and America’s weakening grip on global hegemony.

And it’s doubly so for Malaysia, amongst the largest recipients of Chinese outbound investment yet with a compatible political framework to the West.

Unlike the question of India and Pakistan which put us in the soup with the Modi government, this isn’t a simple case of one versus the other for us.

While we would infinitely prefer that both superpowers work out their differences amicably (which, sadly, does not look like it’s on the cards), our glass may actually be half full on this issue.

Malaysia is crucial strategic ground for both sides. China sees us as a central staging post on their Belt and Road route and have poured in funding to build out the requisite infrastructure.

The Chinese also enjoy a cultural affinity with Malaysia which has further helped facilitate trade and investment. Despite America’s immense wealth, it is Chinese spending which has eclipsed all others over the last decade.

The argument that we must confront China over its resource-grabbing in SE Asia is not altogether correct although we must preserve our territorial sovereignty. There are likely far greater benefits for us from a cooperative strategy. This may not be true for other countries in SE Asia ― Philippines and Vietnam for instance ― but not so for Malaysia.

From the other camp, the Americans see us as a primary buffer to the expansion of China’s might across SE Asia. In particular the Americans are absolutely committed to the free flow of traffic in the South China Sea, through which one third of the world’s commercial shipping flows.

Notwithstanding the rise (and possible overtaking) of China as an economic power, make no mistake about the supremacy of America’s military.

What we see is only the tip of the iceberg; the US military industry complex controls the entire planetary infrastructure and will continue to do so for the life span of anyone reading this.

You may not like to hear this, but it’s equally naive to dismiss it. And the reality is that the attention of America’s armed forces is increasingly upon South East Asia.

If the US jumps from the frying pan of the Middle East into the fire of China then we need to get our story straight early and clearly, because the battle will be fought (figuratively and literally) at our doorstep.

If you think an all-out physical conflict is too far-fetched, then consider that the US has unilateral control over every global watchdog ― the UN, World Bank, IMF, WHO, International Court of Justice, to name just a few. Not to forget the dominance of the US dollar and control over the global media narrative.

In short it’s not in our interest to turn our back on the US. Whether you like it or not, they still carry the biggest stick. And, if you can possibly overlook the insanity of Donald Trump, they also have the sweetest carrots. Democracy, freedom of speech, rule of law, right to property ― these are the very building blocks of modern societies. Don’t ever take them for granted.

So, we’re not in a bad spot. On one hand we have a lot to gain from engagement with China, commercially and culturally. We can play a leading role in encouraging China’s reasonable and good behaviour with its neighbours in Asean, instead of triggering their worst tendencies (like the Philippines is doing).

On the other hand we must preserve our rights, freedoms and sovereign independence ― which American influence insures. Alliance with the US equally ensures the safety and security of our people in either diplomatic or military skirmishes. If we want to be a progressive society we must stand with other progressive societies.

Both the Chinese and the Americans need us. Let’s pick through the menu card on offer from both and choose a meal that is nourishing and delicious to our particular taste. As we reach the end of the fasting month, may we relish the rewards that we have justly earned. To all my fellow Malaysians: Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf Zahir Batin.

Dr. Rais Hussin is President & CEO of EMIR Research, an independent think tank focused on strategic policy recommendations based on rigorous research.

Bahasa Melayu

Diterbitkan oleh Sinar Harian & Berita Harian.

KETIKA Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan China saling berbalah antara satu sama lain, negara lain di seluruh dunia harus memilih antara dua negara tersebut. Antara kekuatan ketenteraan AS dan pengaruh ekonomi China – pilihan yang menarik negara-negara tidak bersekutu ke arah yang berbeza.

Pilihan ini perlu dilakukan terutamanya bagi negara ASEAN yang terperangkap dalam impian China terhadap persempadanan Laut China Selatan dan cengkaman lemah AS terhadap hegemoni global.

Dan Malaysia harus menghadapinya dua kali ganda, sebagai antara penerima terbesar pelaburan luar China, tetapi mempunyai kerangka politik yang serasi dengan Barat.

Tidak seperti kes India dan Pakistan – yang meletakkan kita dalam situasi tidak senang dengan pentadbiran Modi, kes AS dan China ini bukannya satu kes mudah bagi kita.

Walaupun kita mengharapkan kedua-dua kuasa besar itu dapat menyelesaikan perbezaan mereka secara damai, namun harapan itu terlampau optimis mengenai isu ini.

Malaysia berada di landasan strategik yang penting bagi kedua-dua belah pihak. China melihat kita sebagai tempat utama untuk strategi Belt and Road mereka dan telah mengeluarkan dana yang besar untuk membina infrastruktur di Malaysia.

Orang China juga menikmati hubungan budaya dengan Malaysia yang telah membantu mempermudahkan urusan perdagangan dan pelaburan. Walaupun AS mempunyai kekayaan yang lebih besar, namun China lebih banyak mengeluarkan perbelanjaan sepanjang dekad yang lalu.

Terdapat pendapat bahawa kita harus berhadapan dengan China mengenai rampasan sumber di Asia Tenggara, ia sama sekali tidak benar, walaupun kita harus mempertahankan kedaulatan sempadan Malaysia.

Mungkin terdapat manfaat yang jauh lebih besar bagi Malaysia hasil daripada kerjasama strategik. Kerjasama itu mungkin tidak akan berlaku untuk negara lain di Asia Tenggara – seperti Filipina dan Vitenam – tetapi tidak bagi Malaysia.

Bagi AS pula, orang Amerika melihat kita sebagai negara penting yang boleh membendung China daripada memperluas kekuasaan mereka ke seluruh Asia Tenggara. Orang Amerika sangat komited terhadap lalu lintas bebas di Laut China Selatan, di mana satu pertiga penghantaran komersial global melalui laluan itu.

Kebangkitan China sebagai kuasa ekonomi dunia, namun jangan terlepas pandang mengenai kekuatan ketenteraan Amerika.Yang dapat kita lihat sekarang hanya cebisan kecil daripada kuasa sebenar AS di mana AS mempunyai kompleks ketenteraan yang boleh mengawal keseluruhan infrastruktur bumi dan akan terus berkembang.

Anda mungkin tidak suka mendengarnya, namun tidak boleh menafikan fakta ini. Kerana realitinya, angkatan tentera AS sedang memberi tumpuan terhadap Asia Tenggara. Jika AS mengalihkan tumpuan mereka daripada Timur Tengah ke arah China, maka kita harus berpendirian tegas kerana pertempuran yang bakal berlaku betul-betul di pintu keluar masuk Malaysia.

Sekiranya anda menganggap konflik ini tidak mungkin berlaku, pertimbangkanlah semula kerana AS mempunyai ramai pihak di belakang mereka yang menyokong – PBB, Bank Dunia, IMF, WHO, Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa, semua ini hanya senarai kecil. Tidak dilupakan juga penguasaan dolar AS dan kawalan media di peringkat global.

Secara ringkasnya, kita tidak akan berpaling daripada AS. Sama ada anda suka atau tidak, mereka tetap mempunyai pengaruh yang besar. Jadi, kita bukannya berada dalam situasi yang teruk. Kita mendapat pelbagai faedah hasil daripada hubungan dengan China, secara komersial dan budaya.

Pada masa sama, Malaysia juga harus melindungi hak negara, termasuk kebebasan dan kemerdekaan kita – di mana ia dijamin oleh pengaruh AS. Kerjasama dengan AS dapat memastikan keselamatan dan sekuriti rakyat Malaysia dalam pertempuran diplomatik atau ketenteraan. Sekiranya kita ingin menjadi masyarakat yang progresif, kita harus berdiri bersama dengan masyarakat progresif yang lainnya.

Kedua-dua negara besar ini memerlukan kita. Marilah pilih menu yang ditawarkan yang memenuhi selera kita.

Dr. Rais Hussin merupakan Presiden & CEO EMIR Research, sebuah organisasi pemikir bebas yang berfokuskan kepada pencernaan saranan-saranan dasar strategik berteraskan penyelidikan yang terperinci, konsisten dan menyeluruh.


刊登在:星洲网 (Sin Chew).






















莱斯福贤是EMIR Research的总裁兼首席执行官,EMIR Research是一个独立的智囊团,专注于根据严格的研究提出战略政策建议。

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