As the policymakers continue to review the contentious DNB’s 5G rollout model, it is crucial to unpack DNB’s big promises and premises critically, truthfully, and structurally.
Hadi appears to be promoting instability, working against Malaysia’s collective interest, arrogantly hinting at being a master schemer, the one pulling the strings in the background.
If Hadi still persists in this outlandish behavior, Hadi is committing a blatant Lèse-majesté of His Highness and the Conference of Malay Rulers… Sembah Derhaka it is!
The policymakers, being guided by the resounding evidence of SWN risks and expected failure elsewhere, must do the right thing—swiftly move forward and away from its 5G SWN by extending common-sense regulation policies.
Malaysia can play a crucial role in promoting sustainable practices in the region and positioning itself as a leader in the global effort against climate change.