Programs aimed to increase youth involvement in the agro sector suffer the common problem of current policymaking culture — lack of clearly set Input-Output-Outcome-Impact links and metrics.
Ringgit Malaysia continues to descend by breaking all technical levels to watch, invariably, putting Malaysia's foreign debts in foreign denominations in a very precarious situation.
Hearing of billions of ringgit being stolen whether it is 1MDB, SRC or LCS or many more other abbreviations, in an ordinary course of business, should have sent shock waves to all in Malaysia. However,...
It is still way too early to tell whether Malaysia remains consistently on a positive economic trajectory for Q3 & Q4 2022 as well as next year (2023).
English English Published in Astro Awani, The Malaysian Insight, Malaysiakini, and MYsinchew, image by Malaysiakini. Victory begets victory is an English expression that is widely used yet little understood. In the conviction of Rosmah Mansor,...
The wheels of justice must not only work but be seen to work. Only then will the endemic culture of corruption in Malaysia, that has led to cabal after cabal of special interest, cartel after...
The government must recognise the critical nature of the problem and take appropriate measures to contain the triplex of cost-of living, household debt and retirement crises.