The silver lining for Indo-Pacific then is surely greater role that Japan can play towards ensuring a peaceful co-existence of all competing players given the enormous goodwill that Japan has in the region and beyond.
When the government mitigates food price inflation with effective policy measures, the B40 and struggling M40 could cope with the cost of living pressures and have access to nutritious food.
Colonialism, foreign or domestic, always aims to extract resources in colonialists’ narrow interests but not the nation. And this extraction of resources, if it remains unchecked, will unavoidably lead to what Mat Kilau expresses as...
For what is worth, the legal eagles in Petronas should not be resting at their laurels. The same applies to the Attorney General's Office. For that matter the Research Department and the Special Branch.
Malaysia is facing the nexus of three fundamental problems, all related to human capital weaknesses—the brain drain issue, the education system crisis and the governance crisis.