Programs aimed to increase youth involvement in the agro sector suffer the common problem of current policymaking culture — lack of clearly set Input-Output-Outcome-Impact links and metrics.
Ringgit Malaysia continues to descend by breaking all technical levels to watch, invariably, putting Malaysia's foreign debts in foreign denominations in a very precarious situation.
Malaysia must transcend the notion of food security achieved via imports supplementation to actual self-sufficiency for obvious national security reasons.
It is unacceptable that the government has not shown adequate financial and governance concerns given that any potential price unfairness would ultimately be paid by taxpayers.
The government's response (or lack thereof) on some red flag issues appears to be in defiance of public outcry and utmost disregard for strict governance standards.
On top of increased public ridership, lesser cars and motorcycles along the highways would help to reduce air pollution, energy consumption and traffic congestion altogether.