National Pandemic exit strategy must be a comprehensive, all inclusive plan developed with an understanding of the Malaysian context for ALL Malaysians.
It would do more good for all politicians to take a political sabbatical to reflect on which is more important – the stability of the country or pursuing their ambition for power and posts.
The mismatch between wages and cost of living has been a longstanding issue and it surely has no one-size-fits-all solution but we need to start somewhere at some point.
When the government provides vaccination for all e-hailing drivers and delivery riders by the year-end, Malaysia would be able to establish a social safety net among the group.
By incorporating multiple immunisation strategies, the Malaysian government can implement a successful vaccination drive and build greater public confidence.
It’s no mean feat to achieve this as Muhyiddin took over with unprecedented circumstances of major issues occurring together at the same time (health, economy, politics) which was never faced before by all previous PMs.