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Education and Social Policy
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Law and Human Rights
Education and Social Policy
Foreign Policy
Economy and Finance
Society and Media
Law and Human Rights
Law and Human Rights
Law and Human Rights
Law and Human Rights
Page 4
Education and Social Policy
A call to humanise our prisons
Adopting a humane approach is key to Malaysia's prison reforms.
Jennifer Ley
2 years ago
Education and Social Policy
Gender-based violence (GBV) – the plight of Rohingya refugee women
Over the years, Rohingya women and girls have faced various forms of GBV.
Jachintha Joyce Devasagayam Jayakumar
2 years ago
Domestic Policy
Managing refugees the Malaysian Way?
Managing refugees the Malaysian way shouldn’t involve abnegating our international obligations since these are political and moral standards also.
Jachintha Joyce Devasagayam Jayakumar
2 years ago
Law and Human Rights
Conscience as the heart of the matter – a Malaysia Day reflection
It’s at the “heart of the matter” – the root and source of all our problems we face as a nation and society.
Jason Loh
2 years ago
Law and Human Rights
The rising danger of cyber-paedophilia in Malaysia
This by itself should incite us to think as to how we could do more to suppress cyber-paedophilia.
Nik Nurdiana Zulkifli
3 years ago
Law and Human Rights
Tier 3 – not again!
Worryingly, the government’s anti-trafficking policy implementation thrust seems to have slackened – due to lack of focus, prioritisation and concerted effort.
Jason Loh
3 years ago
Law and Human Rights
Empathy- integral part of the justice system
Empathy is simply another facet of the need for the law to be translated and interpreted accordingly.
Jason Loh
3 years ago
Law and Human Rights
Recalibrating MP’s remuneration scheme
Presently there’s no law prohibiting MPs from taking up extra-parliamentary positions.
Jason Loh
3 years ago
Law and Human Rights
Religious “warfare” in India
The time might come when it’s not just Delhi or Amritsar or Ahmedabad that’re burning but India itself.
Jason Loh
3 years ago
Education and Social Policy
Is it high time to legalise medical marijuana in Malaysia?
The decriminalisation of medicinal cannabis would enable Malaysia to tap into a USD20.73 billion global market.
Rosihan Addin Rosihan Adi
3 years ago